Class RigidBodyDesc


  • RigidBodyDesc



additionalSolverIterations: number
angularDamping: number
angularInertiaLocalFrame: Rotation
angvel: Vector
canSleep: boolean
ccdEnabled: boolean
centerOfMass: Vector
dominanceGroup: number
enabled: boolean
gravityScale: number
linearDamping: number
linvel: Vector
mass: number
massOnly: boolean
principalAngularInertia: Vector
rotation: Rotation
rotationsEnabledX: boolean
rotationsEnabledY: boolean
rotationsEnabledZ: boolean
sleeping: boolean
translation: Vector
translationsEnabledX: boolean
translationsEnabledY: boolean
translationsEnabledZ: boolean
userData?: unknown


  • Allow rotation of this rigid-body only along specific axes.


    • rotationsEnabledX: boolean

      Are rotations along the X axis enabled?

    • rotationsEnabledY: boolean

      Are rotations along the y axis enabled?

    • rotationsEnabledZ: boolean

      Are rotations along the Z axis enabled?

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Allow translation of this rigid-body only along specific axes.


    • translationsEnabledX: boolean

      Are translations along the X axis enabled?

    • translationsEnabledY: boolean

      Are translations along the y axis enabled?

    • translationsEnabledZ: boolean

      Are translations along the Z axis enabled?

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Locks all rotations that would have resulted from forces on the created rigid-body.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Locks all translations that would have resulted from forces on the created rigid-body.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Allow rotation of this rigid-body only along specific axes.


    use this.enabledRotations with the same arguments instead.


    • rotationsEnabledX: boolean

      Are rotations along the X axis enabled?

    • rotationsEnabledY: boolean

      Are rotations along the y axis enabled?

    • rotationsEnabledZ: boolean

      Are rotations along the Z axis enabled?

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Allow translation of this rigid-body only along specific axes.


    use this.enabledTranslations with the same arguments instead.


    • translationsEnabledX: boolean

      Are translations along the X axis enabled?

    • translationsEnabledY: boolean

      Are translations along the y axis enabled?

    • translationsEnabledZ: boolean

      Are translations along the Z axis enabled?

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the initial mass of the rigid-body being built, before adding colliders' contributions.


    • mass: number

      − The initial mass of the rigid-body to create.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the mass properties of the rigid-body being built.

    Note that the final mass properties of the rigid-bodies depends on the initial mass-properties of the rigid-body (set by this method) to which is added the contributions of all the colliders with non-zero density attached to this rigid-body.

    Therefore, if you want your provided mass properties to be the final mass properties of your rigid-body, don't attach colliders to it, or only attach colliders with densities equal to zero.


    • mass: number

      − The initial mass of the rigid-body to create.

    • centerOfMass: Vector

      − The initial center-of-mass of the rigid-body to create.

    • principalAngularInertia: Vector

      − The initial principal angular inertia of the rigid-body to create. These are the eigenvalues of the angular inertia matrix.

    • angularInertiaLocalFrame: Rotation

      − The initial local angular inertia frame of the rigid-body to create. These are the eigenvectors of the angular inertia matrix.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the number of additional solver iterations that will be run for this rigid-body and everything that interacts with it directly or indirectly through contacts or joints.

    Compared to increasing the global World.numSolverIteration, setting this value lets you increase accuracy on only a subset of the scene, resulting in reduced performance loss.


    • iters: number

      The new number of additional solver iterations (default: 0).

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the angular damping of the rigid-body to create.

    This will progressively slowdown the rotational movement of the rigid-body.


    • damping: number

      The angular damping coefficient. Should be >= 0. The higher this value is, the stronger the rotational slowdown will be.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the initial angular velocity of the rigid-body to create.


    • vel: Vector

      The angular velocity to set.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets whether or not the rigid-body to create can sleep.


    • can: boolean

      true if the rigid-body can sleep, false if it can't.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets whether Continuous Collision Detection (CCD) is enabled for this rigid-body.


    • enabled: boolean

      true if the rigid-body has CCD enabled.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Parameters

    • group: number

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets whether the created rigid-body will be enabled or disabled.


    • enabled: boolean

      − If set to false the rigid-body will be disabled at creation.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the scale factor applied to the gravity affecting the rigid-body being built.


    • scale: number

      The scale factor. Set this to 0.0 if the rigid-body needs to ignore gravity.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the linear damping of the rigid-body to create.

    This will progressively slowdown the translational movement of the rigid-body.


    • damping: number

      The angular damping coefficient. Should be >= 0. The higher this value is, the stronger the translational slowdown will be.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the initial linear velocity of the rigid-body to create.


    • x: number

      The linear velocity to set along the x axis.

    • y: number

      The linear velocity to set along the y axis.

    • z: number

      The linear velocity to set along the z axis.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets whether or not the rigid-body is to be created asleep.


    • sleeping: boolean

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the initial translation of the rigid-body to create.


    • x: number
    • y: number
    • z: number

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • Sets the user-defined object of this rigid-body.


    • Optional data: unknown

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • A rigid-body descriptor used to build a dynamic rigid-body.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • A rigid-body descriptor used to build a fixed rigid-body.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • A rigid-body descriptor used to build a position-based kinematic rigid-body.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • A rigid-body descriptor used to build a velocity-based kinematic rigid-body.

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • A rigid-body descriptor used to build a dynamic rigid-body.


    The method has been renamed to .dynamic().

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • A rigid-body descriptor used to build a position-based kinematic rigid-body.


    The method has been renamed to .kinematicPositionBased().

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • A rigid-body descriptor used to build a velocity-based kinematic rigid-body.


    The method has been renamed to .kinematicVelocityBased().

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

  • A rigid-body descriptor used to build a fixed rigid-body.


    The method has been renamed to .fixed().

    Returns RigidBodyDesc

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