Class CharacterCollision

A collision between the character and an obstacle hit on its path.


  • CharacterCollision



collider: Collider

The collider involved in the collision. Null if the collider no longer exists in the physics world.

normal1: Vector

The world-space outward contact normal on the collider when the collision happens.

normal2: Vector

The local-space outward contact normal on the character when the collision happens.

toi: number

The time-of-impact between the character and the obstacles.

translationDeltaApplied: Vector

The translation delta applied to the character before this collision took place.

translationDeltaRemaining: Vector

The translation delta the character would move after this collision if there is no other obstacles.

witness1: Vector

The world-space contact point on the collider when the collision happens.

witness2: Vector

The local-space contact point on the character when the collision happens.

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