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A rigid-body is created by a RigidBodyBuilder structure that is based on the builder pattern. Then it needs to be inserted into the RigidBodySet that will be processed by the physics-pipeline or query-pipeline.


The following example shows several setters that can be called to customize the rigid-body being built. The input values are just random so using this example as-is will not lead to a useful result.

use rapier2d::prelude::*;

// The set that will contain our rigid-bodies.
let mut rigid_body_set = RigidBodySet::new();

// Builder for a fixed rigid-body.
let _ = RigidBodyBuilder::fixed();
// Builder for a dynamic rigid-body.
let _ = RigidBodyBuilder::dynamic();
// Builder for a kinematic rigid-body controlled at the velocity level.
let _ = RigidBodyBuilder::kinematic_velocity_based();
// Builder for a kinematic rigid-body controlled at the position level.
let _ = RigidBodyBuilder::kinematic_position_based();
// Builder for a body with a status specified by an enum.
let rigid_body = RigidBodyBuilder::new(RigidBodyType::Dynamic)
// The rigid body translation.
// Default: zero vector.
.translation(vector![0.0, 5.0])
// The rigid body rotation.
// Default: no rotation.
// The rigid body position. Will override `.translation(...)` and `.rotation(...)`.
// Default: the identity isometry.
.position(Isometry::new(vector![1.0, 2.0], 0.4))
// The linear velocity of this body.
// Default: zero velocity.
.linvel(vector![1.0, 2.0])
// The angular velocity of this body.
// Default: zero velocity.
// The scaling factor applied to the gravity affecting the rigid-body.
// Default: 1.0
// Whether or not this body can sleep.
// Default: true
// Whether or not CCD is enabled for this rigid-body.
// Default: false
// All done, actually build the rigid-body.
// Insert the rigid-body into the set.
let rigid_body_handle = rigid_body_set.insert(rigid_body);

All the properties are optional. The only calls that are required are RigidBodyBuilder::new(status), RigidBodyBuilder::fixed(), RigidBodyBuilder::dynamic(), RigidBodyBuilder::kinematic_velocity_based(), or RigidBodyBuilder::kinematic_position_based(), to initialize the builder, and .build() to actually build the rigid-body.

A rigid-body is created by adding the RigidBody component to an entity. Other components like Transform, Velocity, Ccd, etc. can be added for further customization of the rigid-body.


The following example shows several initialization of components to customize rigid-body being built. The input values are just random so using this example as-is will not lead to a useful result.

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_rapier2d::prelude::*;

.insert(TransformBundle::from(Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 5.0, 0.0)))
.insert(Velocity {
linvel: Vec2::new(1.0, 2.0),
angvel: 0.2,

A rigid-body is created by a World.createRigidBody method. The initial state of the rigid-body to create is described by an instance of the RigidBodyDesc class.

Each rigid-body create by the physics world is given an integer identifier rigidBody.handle. This identifier is guaranteed to the different from any identifier of rigid-bodies still existing (or that existed) in the physics world.


The following example shows several setters that can be called to customize the rigid-body being built. The input values are just random so using this example as-is will not lead to a useful result.

// The world that will contain our rigid-bodies.
let world = new RAPIER.World({ x: 0.0, y: -9.81 });

// Builder for a fixed rigid-body.
let example1 = RAPIER.RigidBodyDesc.fixed();
// Builder for a dynamic rigid-body.
let example2 = RAPIER.RigidBodyDesc.dynamic();
// Builder for a kinematic rigid-body controlled at the velocity level.
let example3 = RAPIER.RigidBodyDesc.kinematicVelocityBased();
// Builder for a kinematic rigid-body controlled at the position level.
let example4 = RAPIER.RigidBodyDesc.kinematicPositionBased();
// Builder for a body with a status specified by an enum.
let rigidBodyDesc = new RAPIER.RigidBodyDesc(RAPIER.RigidBodyType.Dynamic)
// The rigid body translation.
// Default: zero vector.
.setTranslation(0.0, 5.0)
// The rigid body rotation.
// Default: no rotation.
// The linear velocity of this body.
// Default: zero velocity.
.setLinvel(1.0, 2.0)
// The angular velocity of this body.
// Default: zero velocity.
// The scaling factor applied to the gravity affecting the rigid-body.
// Default: 1.0
// Whether or not this body can sleep.
// Default: true
// Whether or not CCD is enabled for this rigid-body.
// Default: false

// All done, actually build the rigid-body.
let rigidBody = world.createRigidBody(rigidBodyDesc);
// The integer handle of the rigid-body can be read from the `handle` field.
let rigidBodyHandle = rigidBody.handle;

Typically, the inertia and center of mass are automatically set to the inertia and center of mass resulting from the shapes of the colliders attached to the rigid-body. But they can also be set manually.