When the serde-serialize
feature of Rapier is enabled, most data structures of Rapier become serializable using serde.
Serialization can be useful to save the complete state of the simulation, e.g., to send it over the network, or to restore
this state later. In order to fully serialize the simulation state, it is necessary to serialize every structure
described in the simulation structures page, except for the PhysicsPipeline
and the
which don't hold any useful state. The following shows an example of serialization of the
complete physics state. For convenience, the example defines a PhysicsState
serializable struct that wraps every
relevant serializable state. It uses bincode as the serialization format:
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
// Use serde derives for our wrapper struct.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct PhysicsState {
pub islands: IslandManager,
pub broad_phase: DefaultBroadPhase,
pub narrow_phase: NarrowPhase,
pub bodies: RigidBodySet,
pub colliders: ColliderSet,
pub impulse_joints: ImpulseJointSet,
pub multibody_joints: MultibodyJointSet,
pub ccd_solver: CCDSolver,
pub query_pipeline: QueryPipeline,
pub integration_parameters: IntegrationParameters,
pub gravity: Vector<f32>,
fn main() {
let physics_state = setup_physics_scene();
// Serialize everything.
let serialized = bincode::serialize(&physics_state).unwrap();
// Deserialize everything.
let deserialized = bincode::deserialize::<PhysicsState>(&serialized).unwrap();
// The simulation can continue using the deserialized state.
If the enhanced-determinism
feature of Rapier is enabled, and if your platform fulfills the required determinism
requirements, then you have the guarantee that running the exact same simulation on two different machine
will result in the exact same byte vectors if the physics state is serialized on both machines after the same
number of timesteps.
It is possible to take a snapshot of the whole physics world with world.takeSnapshot
. This results in a byte array
of type Uint8Array
that may be saved on the disk, sent through the network, etc. The snapshot can then be restored
with let world = World.restoreSnapshot(snapshot);