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Getting started

Bevy is an efficient, simple-to-use, and fast-to-compile data-driven game engine written in Rust. It is based on the ECS (Entity-Component-System) paradigm and allows the definition of plugins, i.e., sets of components, systems, and resources that share a common objective.

The bevy_rapier2d and bevy_rapier3d crates which integrate Rapier to Bevy using their plugin system. To get the best of bevy-rapier multiple features can be enabled optionally:

  • debug-render-2d/debug-render-3d: enables the debug-renderer plugin.
  • simd-stable: enables explicit SIMD optimizations using the wide crate. Has limited cross-platform support but can be used with a stable version of the Rust compiler.
  • simd-nightly: enables explicit SIMD optimizations using the packed_simd crate. Has a great cross-platform support but requires a nightly version of the Rust compiler.
  • parallel: enables parallelism of the physics pipeline with the rayon crate.
  • serde-serialize: enables serialization of the physics components with serde.
  • enhanced-determinism: enables cross-platform determinism (assuming the rest of your code is also deterministic) across all 32-bit and 64-bit platforms that implements the IEEE 754-2008 standard strictly. This includes most modern processors as well as WASM targets.
  • wasm-bindgen: enables usage of rapier as a dependency of a WASM crate that is compiled with wasm-bindgen.

Cargo example

To use these crates, the first step is to add a dependency to your Cargo.toml:

# TODO: Replace the * by the latest version numbers.
bevy = "*"
bevy_rapier2d = "*"

If you need to enable some Rapier features like SIMD, parallelism, serialization, or determinism, you can enable them on bevy_rapier directly.

# TODO: Replace the * by the latest version numbers.
bevy = "*"
bevy_rapier2d = { version = "*", features = [ "simd-stable", "debug-render-2d" ] }

Basic simulation example

Here is a basic example of file. This creates a ball bouncing on a fixed ground. Details about the elements used in this examples are given in subsequent pages of this guide.


The use bevy_rapier2d::prelude::* or use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::* will import all the most common types needed to work with bevy_rapier.

<load path='/2d/bevy/examples/' marker='basic_sim' />

The debug renderer

The bevy_rapier plugin comes with a debug-render (either debug-render-2d or debug-render-3d) to help visualize exactly what the physics-engine sees. This can help fixing some bugs like colliders not being properly aligned with your graphics representation. The debug-renderer is be enabled by:

  1. Enabling the debug-render-2d or debug-render-3d cargo feature of bevy-rapier.
  2. Adding the plugin RapierDebugRenderPlugin to the Bevy app.
